The beautiful surroundings at Middlewood Trust act as an ideal place for creative art. The use of natural materials on the site is encouraged. We welcome artists who would like to be creative and explore this exciting environment.
Ecological buildings, low impact dwellings, alternative energy systems, and woodland crafts provide the basis for human and environmentally friendly living systems which form the main core of the courses. The residents and Middlewood Trust use these resources as a focus for sustainable development and through education help to create a future with a future. Permaculture principles and ethics act as the background for this project.
Middlewood Trust is located at Backsbottom Farm, a beautiful valley following the River Roeburn. It is a small organic hill farm, with species rich meadows, moorland, and an extensive area of native woodland and is privately owned by Dr. Rod Everett who founded this charity.
This is where I will hopefully be visiting this coming Saturday with an artist highlighted earlier in the blog "Richard Shilling". I recently had a chat with Richard about what will be happening on Saturday and he mentioned that we could possibly be doing something at Lancaster University. This is ironic as a close friend of mine (Director of Estates at Lancaster University) was telling me that he had allowed a land artist to carry out work in and around the campus - little did I know that it would be Richard!!
I am crossing my fingers that the weather this weekend will be kinder to us than it has been of late! Otherwise I could be in for a very wet day or even worse we may have to cancel.
I am really looking forward to meeting Richard and getting to know him and his art in more detail and hopefully get inspiration to start creating something myself.

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